• Question: what careers are available when partaking computer studies

    Asked by 994green26 to Munga, Mary, Loice, George, George, Diana on 4 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: George Makau

      George Makau answered on 4 Jun 2019:

      To mention but a few:
      1. Technical Support Staff: requires assisting individuals in a variety of industries, helping them identify and solve computer problems either over the phone, via e-mail, or in person.
      2. Computer Marketing: Understanding computers can also help you sell them. Buyers want to be certain that the computer they are purchasing is going to fulfil their needs. Knowing the ins and outs of a product and what specifically makes it different from the competition can be both reassuring to the customer and beneficial to the salesperson.
      3. Technical Consultant: Some smaller companies do not have the means or the need to keep an entire technical support team on staff. These companies may decide to hire a technical consultant. Technical consultants work with their clients to decide upon the hardware, software, systems and upgrades that might be necessary, then help to acquire and set up the agreed-upon technology. After it has been installed, they may help to train the company’s employees and/or offer other technical support for a short time thereafter. These professionals may work individually as freelancers, or coordinate through a consulting firm.
      4. Computer Programmer: Computer programmers take specific instructions and design parameters and translate them into a language the computer can understand. This means that the programmer must have very good communication skills, as they must understand what their employer wants and then tell the computer exactly how to do it. Programmers usually know more than one programming language, including Visual Basic, JAVA, and C++.
      5. Bioinformatician: This is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software tools for understanding biological data. As an interdisciplinary field of science, bioinformatics combines biology, computer science, information engineering, mathematics and statistics to analyze and interpret biological data.
